Tuesday, September 06, 2005

BMW 6 Series - finished basic shapes for hood and front bumper

Here's an update on the current work progress... The basic shapes of the hood and the front bumper are ready. What need to be done next is adjust the details. I believe I have finally come accross the best modelling technique, involving mostly just Editable Poly tools. Until yesterday I used to spend a considerable amount of time doing my best to achieve perfection through all sort of miscellaneous techniques and ideas that only I could have thought of. This is because I wanted to obtain perfect shapes even from the beginning. But today, I have given up all those concepts because they were really unpractical. While browsing through tutorials and other documentation files on the internet, I learned some key concepts which have finally led to the "revelation".
I believe from now on, work will accelerate due to the experience I have gained and I'm desperately looking forward to build more and more of the BMW. I'll be back soon with more details. :)


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